In this adaptation of a video game Jake Gyllenhaal plays the Prince of Persia, a once orphan who was taken under the king’s wing as a young boy. However, after gaining Persian fame as a great warrior he is framed for the king’s murder. But with the aid of a magical dagger that can turn back time and a beautiful princess who knows her history and her way around the land he sets out to uncover the truth by turning back time.
This movie is the definition of non-stop action. It only slows down long enough to give you a good story and nice character development. The best thing I can say about Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is that it is a lot of fun. They give you tons of action without taking it so far that you get bored with it (Transformers 2). Alfred Molina comes in as kind of comic relief without being annoying (like the robot twins from Transformers 2) he makes you laugh and makes the perfect blend of good guy without morals and bad guy with morals. Gemma Arterton, gave a good performance and is sexy without taking it too far (Megan Fox in Transformers 2). She does much better than she did in the snooze fest Clash of the Titans earlier this year, but I think that might have something to do with the actors whom surrounded her. Ben Kingsley does a good job at (spoiler!) the villain, while Gyllenhaal gives a powerful leading man in an action film performance. He takes control of every scene, whether he is flying through the air, almost kissing the hot princess (both happen a lot) or feeding us dialogue.
Gyllenhaal’s great acting ability mixed in with Mike Newell’s semi-original action film directing on top of the best video game adaptation script to date and the production ability of the great and powerful Jerry Bruckheimer keeps you glued to your seat for this entire ride and doesn’t let go until the credits start to roll. It’s fast paced and is the best action we have seen so far this summer. If your only seeing one action film on the big screen this May then you probably saw Iron Man 2. Big mistake. Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time is the summer’s first great popcorn flick and you should definitely see it on the big screen.
Monday, May 31, 2010
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