Monday, May 31, 2010

Shrek Forever After (2010)

Since the first Shrek hit theatres in 2001 we have been in love with the big green Scottish sounding Ogre, his love interest Princess Fiona, and his sidekick Donkey, the talking donkey. Since then the films have given us more and more characters with more and more jokes and less and less charm. Over the span of three blockbusters we seem to have lost touch with Shrek while we were being pushed into a world of overflowing characters. In Shrek Forever After the writers, Josh Klausner and Darren Lemke, change all that by giving us, in the said to be final chapter of the beloved series, what we really wanted: a movie about Shrek, his friendship with Donkey and love for Fiona.

In the Fourth installment to the DreamWorks golden (or should I say green?) franchise our favorite animated leading man, Shrek, is going through a mid-life crisis. Fed up with his now very safe and predictable life he resorts to drastic measures to get back to feeling like an ogre again for a day by making a deal with Rumpelstiltskin. As we know from the story of our villain, he doesn’t play fair, and when the deal goes sour, and Shrek gets thrown into an alternate reality, he has to go on one last journey to get back the life he forgot that he loved. How does he do this? He has to become Donkey’s friend again, and get true loves kiss once more from Fiona.

Director Mike Mitchell re-does shots from the original along with giving us lines from the original. Its filled with heart and real feeling drama. By far the best Shrek since the first one and a wonderful ending to one of today’s best film sagas. I loved this movie. It almost only focused on Shrek and really, that’s all this movie needs. Go see this film. You don’t need to have kids or be young or old or a girl to really enjoy this one. I believe that a 16 year-old boy will like this movie as much as everyone else will. The entire family will leave the theatre smiling. With this film as there finale I do believe Shrek will live on Happily Forever After.

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