Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ondine (2010)

A few times every summer, a couple tiny dramas get released to tide us hardcore movie fans over until the fall, when dramas get released left and right so they will be on the minds of voters during award season. So you can call Ondine, being released in June, a kind of midnight snack, and a very hearty and fulfilling snack it is. The movie follows a divorced, ex-alcoholic, down on his luck father in Ireland (played by the very underrated and extremely talented Colin Farrell). But his luck seems to change when he catches a woman (or perhaps a Selkie) with his fishing net. He and his daughter quickly develop deep feelings for this women, Ondine, while never really knowing the truth about this mysterious being.

Actress Alicja Bachleda gives a very convincing performance as Ondine. You never know what to make of her. She always seemed like the same character while making you think many different things about her. Not an easy thing to do. The real performance to talk about in this movie however, was the one by Colin Farrell. He gives a very subtle but true performance. The man who broke into American cinema playing tough action heroes or villains could not have more range. His quiet, conflict-avoiding, sad character is totally authentic. Neil Jordan delivers yet another piece of grand cinematic achievement that is right up there with The Crying Game and Interview with a Vampire. Neil also wrote the original and calmly engrossing screenplay. Stephen Rae also comes in as some nice, realistic comic relief and pulls out a pretty good performance for only being in about 3 scenes

I very much liked this movie. In a summer filled with special effects and explosions, Ondine gives you something different and remind you what film making is really all about, entertaining and making you feel the spirit of the characters your watching on screen. No iron suit fight scene can compete with that. See this movie. See it in theaters. I know its not exactly what you think you hunger for but, like I said before, its a nice treat.

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